Hi there! I'm so happy you are here

I’ll try not to bore you with all of the details, so let’s get right into it. Here it is…

Hard work always pays off

How it all started...

I was born and raised in Eastern Europe to fantastic parents who were also serving the military while pursuing a path of entrepreneurship. Even if my parents worked 24/7 -I can’t honestly say that we had everything we wanted, but it wasn’t for lack of trying on their part! Sometimes our favorite treat for getting good grades would be a can of Coke (trust me…you can survive)

There are two things I learned when it comes to wanting or needing something.

The first thing is that hard work often leads us in the right direction, which has been true for me with regards to business ventures-even though at 19 years old this was something new and unfamiliar territory!

When in doubt, choose change.


I faked it until I made it. The speech was accepted by the audience very well, I was proud of making it. That was the day when I realized that everything is possible and all you need is to work hard, clearly see the final goal and every day make at least small step towards it. After graduation I worked for a couple of big banks and companies and continued to give speeches about my experience, life and business. After that I found my startup Big Fish, found investors, created successful business model and sold it.


Today I’m financially independent, happily married, travel a lot and leadershiping. I believe that my mission today is to teach as many people as I can how to succeed in life, how to be happy and live every single day with a purpose. Believe me, it isn’t hard and reading my story is already a forst step. Congratulations! You are on the right way, Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers!

Life leadershiping

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